
Please find your quote and schedule your service below.

On-Site Consultation


A trained technician will perform a full evaluation of your grill, providing a quote for any necessary repairs or replacement parts as well as recommended service to perform that will fit your specific needs.

Great for these instances:

  • Grills 7-10+ years old
  • Grills showing significant or concerning operation issues
  • Grill is not operable
  • Significant visible rust
  • You suspect the grill is in irreparable condition

If you know you need a new grill, or are ready for an upgrade click here.

If you would like to speak with one of our office staff members about your situation before scheduling please schedule a phone call here

Schedule Your Consultation Below

Preferred Service Time*
Preferred Service Day*

* Selecting “next available appointment” will allow us to schedule you as quickly as possible, but may not be a convenient time for you to be home. That’s OK, most customers choose this option! You will receive a confirmation email and text message as soon as we confirm your appointment. You can always request a new date/time if necessary.